How do I access the Azure Portal?
You can access your environment via the Azure Portal. Hereby, access the tenant link and enter your user credentials. You can set preferences in your dashboard.
How do I view my resources in the Azure Portal?
In case your resources are not visible:
- You might be in a different Azure tenant. To change this, go to the the top-right, click on your username and ‘Switch directory’. Select the directory you want to access in the page that opens.
- Your subscription might be filtered out by a default setting. To change this, enter your subscription > in the filter section of subscription, choose “Select all”. You should be able to then see your resources in the respective subscription.
- In case your directory is not visible, please try the following options:
- Check whether your browser is supported.
- Log into your tenant in incognito.
- Clear you cache and / or remove cookies for
How do I view the Azure cost management?
Generally, the cost management is not made available for customers. This can be changed upon request to the Public Cloud team.
After it has been made available to you:
In the Azure Portal, click on “Cost Management + Billing” in the left-hand panel. On that page, you will find various sections and features related to cost management and billing:
- The default tab, “Cost analysis”, provides an overview of your costs and usage over a specified period. Here you can explore cost breakdowns by resource, service, or department, and apply filters of these to gain insights into your spending patterns.
- The “Budgets” tab, allows you to set spending thresholds. We, as True BV, set the budget in accordance with you. We receive and manage notifications when your costs exceed those thresholds.