The Azure Front Door is a cloud-based service that functions as a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and a global application load balancer. The primary purpose is to optimize and secure the delivery of web applications with CDN capabilities and advanced load balancing. By leveraging a vast network of distributed edge locations, Front Door significantly reduces latency and enhances content delivery for users across different geographic regions.

Content Delivery Network capabilities

One of the core functions of the Azure Front Door is its CDN capabilities. Static web content like images, videos. Stylesheets and scripts are cached and served at edge locations. When a user requests these resources, Front Door delivers them from the nearest edge node, minimizing the time it takes to retrieve data from the origin server. An edge location, also known as an edge node or point of presence (PoP), is a distributed data center or server location strategically positioned in various geographic regions around the world.

Global Load Balancing

Azure Front Door intelligently distributes incoming user requests across multiple backend servers to maintain optimal performance and high availability. By analyzing factors such as geographic location, server health, and latency, Front Door routes requests to the closest and healthiest server, ensuring that users receive responses from the most responsive and reliable source.

Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Security is a top priority for any online application. Front Door incorporates a Web Application Firewall (WAF) that protects web applications from common cyber threats, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other vulnerabilities.

SSL Offloading and Certificate Management

Azure Front Door handles the SSL/TLS encryption and decryption process, alleviating the burden on backend servers. It simplifies SSL certificate management by allowing users to manage certificates at the Front Door level and ensure secure communication with clients. You can either bring your own SSL certificate or use Azure Front Door’s managed certificate option.

Custom domains

Azure Front Door provides the option to associate custom domains with the Front Door routes, enabling users to access their applications using their own domain names. To enable secure communication (HTTPS) between users and the Front Door endpoint using a custom domain, an SSL certificate is required. Azure Front Door allows you to associate multiple custom domains and subdomains with a single Front Door route. This feature is useful when managing different backends or microservices under a common Front Door.

URL-Based Routing and Rewriting

With Front Door, businesses can customize URL routing rules based on various attributes like URL paths and hostnames. This enables them to route requests to specific backend services, making it easier to manage microservices or distinct components of their applications. URL rewriting capabilities also allow to modify URLs before forwarding them to backend servers.